When is a holiday not a holiday?

This rather depends on your definition! By the dictionary:

“An extended period of leisure and recreation, especially one spent away from home or in travelling”. 

On which basis, we could be tempted to rename our training camps as “Triathlon Holidays”, indeed for triathletes these are holidays. However, with some subtle unique elements. Each week affords the opportunity for our athletes to dedicate themselves to training, recovery, and education, in a sport, that for many, is a year-round enterprise.  

We ensure that you have nothing to consider for the duration of the week but yourself, allowing you the rare chance to just swim, bike and run, without thought of shopping, commuting, working, cooking, or cleaning. You are there to train like a professional (to a greater or lesser degree!)

This is done against a backdrop of the breathtakingly beautiful Portes Du Soleil area, centred on Morzine in the French Alps. This is a renowned area, both in the winter and the summer, boasting one of the world’s largest ski areas, the mountain biking capital of Europe (Les Gets) and several classic Tour De France routes and climbs.

For triathlon and indeed road cycling, it remains somewhat of a hidden gem. You will not be faced with hordes of chain gangs out on the rides, meaning you can stick to your own plan rather than get carried away by the hundreds around you.  

Early morning of late afternoon, we will likely have Lac Montriond to ourselves, which as you can see from the website video, is just the most wonderful open water venue. Alternatively, we have two 50m open water pools at our disposal, as well as an indoor 25m option for bleaker days.

For most triathletes, the training would be the holiday. We ensure that our athletes get to feel on holiday throughout the week. From the time you are collected collecting from the airport to when we drop you back, our team is there to ensure you have a great time. The days are structured and organised so that you just need to be ready for each session. All meals are sorted at times and places that work around the training scheduled. The luxury accommodation is spacious, well located and with 5-star facilities, ensuring that your ‘down time’ is as comfortable as you could hope for. We also provide daily access to a sports masseuse, who comes to the chalet for your convenience.

To return to the question, we do not call our training camps “Triathlon Holidays”, because we doubt the athletes looking to come on these weeks, would be searching for triathlon holiday in Google! However, if you want to spend your hard-earned holiday allowance on one of our camps, we assure you that you will consider your money exceptionally well spent. 


What is overload training?